General Terms & Conditions


I. Introduction arrangements.

  1. Registration are governed by those terms and conditions.
  2. These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) are issued by IPTO-International Property Trademark Organization (hereinafter referred to as the “operator”) and govern all business relations between the operator and sponsor.

II. Interpretation of Terms.

  1. The trademark means any sign capable of being represented graphically, particularly words, including personal names, designs, letters, numerals, the shape of goods or of their packaging, provided that such signs are capable of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from products or services of other undertakings, registered in the register maintained by the Industrial Property Office or any national or international institutions as a trademarks (hereinafter referred to as “Trademarks”).
  2. The patent shall be deemed a public document issued by the Industrial Property Office or some national or international patent office, which provides legal protection to invention (hereinafter referred to as “patent”).
  3. Utility model means new, industrially useful technical solution that exceeds beyond mere professional skills and is registered by the
  4. Industrial Property or any national or international institutions (hereinafter referred to as “utility model”).
    Industrial model means the appearance of the product, specifically in the characteristics of lines, contours, colors, shape, texture or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation, which is registered by the Industrial Property or any national or international institutions (hereinafter referred to as “industrial design”).
  5. Appliciant means a person (natural or legal) or other entity ordering registration with the operator, in the ownership of the trademark, patent, utility model or industrial design located (the “Beneficiary”).
  6. Registration catalogue it is database of operator through which authorities on the basis of registration allowed to advertise the offer transfer of the trademarks or patents candidates to address (URL) http://www.
  7. Applicant means a person (natural or legal) or other entity that following the registration in the registration catalog contact the contracting authority intends to conclude a contract about transfer of the trade mark, patent, utility model or industrial design (the “Applicant”).

III. Purpose of registration.

  1. The purpose of the registration of trademarks, patents, utility model or industrial design into the registration service catalog publication of the offer is the contracting authority for the transfer of rights to the trade mark,to the trade mark, patent, utility model or industrial design to the marketplace operator available at (URL) http: // www.
  2. Operator under contract to the contracting authority will provide a platform for the publication of the offer through advertising portal. For the transfer of rights to a trademark, patent, utility model or industrial design in relation to the publication of the offer in no way corresponds to the contracting authority and contract guarantee.

IV. Offer and conclusion of contract.

  1. Our offer and acceptance is completed when the customer accepts the offer and pays the annual registration fee.
  2. Operator undertakes to carry out the registration within 1 days of receipt of payment of annual registration fees.

V. Duration of the contract.

  1. If not otherwise contractually agreed upon, contract shall be concluded for a period of 12 months. Contract period shall be automatically extended by another 12 months, if none of the parties are exercising their rights to terminate the agreement. In the case of extension of the contract a new registration fee has to be paid from the customer.

VI. The extent of supplies and services.

  1. Operator will register in the online registration catalog, all data will be registered as the contracting authority, as listed on the front page of this form. When registered, the registration of the catalog will offer published on the website (URL) will be sent to the contracting authority and access data through the offer to manage.
  2. In the case, that the information given on the form do not reflect reality, is the contracting interest in disclosure of the actual information required operators to change data immediately alert.
  3. The order of registration in the catalog specifies the operator.
    Operator is entitled to suspend the marketing authorization of the contracting authority, in which a reasonable doubt whether the sponsor has all necessary rights necessary for its publication, until the authority to exercise those rights operators credibly demonstrated. The contracting authority is not entitled to claim a refund of the operator of the registration fees for the period of registration has been suspended for this reason.
  4. Operator is entitled to cancel the registration if the third subject will prove to operator a claim to a trademark, patent, utility model or industrial. About this fact
  5. Operator will inform the contracting authority in an appropriate manner. The contracting authority is not entitled to claim a refund of the operator of the registration price.
  6. Operator is entitled to suspend the registration (ie. Within a period not to register under Art. Paragraph III. 3) unless a reasonable doubt whether the sponsor has all necessary rights necessary for its publication, until the authority to exercise those rights operators credibly demonstrated.
  7. Provider is not responsible for any unauthorized alterations to the registration catalog, unauthorized access to data or other unauthorized interventions provider computer systems. Provider is not liable for damage caused by temporary interruptions or limitations on the availability of advertising portal address (URL) http://
  8. Terms transfer of rights to a trademark, patent, utility model or industrial design, as well as the amount of the consideration for the transfer depends solely on the agreement between the sponsor and customer. The operator of the consideration for the transfer agreed between the sponsor and the candidate does not belong to a commission.
  9. Our client gets access to all patents, community trade marks and international marks records.
    The scope of the data amounts to approx. 2 million data sets.
  10. For this purpose, the customer receives his exclusive access data after payment.
    The customer has the option of carrying out marketing campaigns twice a year through our company.
  11. For this, our customer can select 100,000 data records per marketing campaign.
    The marketing campaigns must be registered in advance by email.
  12. The customer can receive creditworthiness information about companies free of charge and at any time during the contract period.
    This right is limited to 20 disclosures per contract year.
  13. The customer can take advantage of 5 free legal advices from lawyers in the field of patent and trademark protection per contract year.
    It is up to the customer which lawyer he chooses. The legal consultations must be registered in advance by email.
  14. The customer receives 10 free search services from our company per contract year, whether trademarks and/or patents are already registered
    or were protected. The search services must be registered in advance by email.
  15. The customer can commission the creation of a website for his company or for himself privately once per contract year.
    The scope of the website to be created can be freely selected.
  16. The customer can create personalized software for his company or for himself privately once per contract year
    commission. The scope of the software to be created can be freely selected.
  17. The maintenance of the activities listed under point 15 and point 16 is carried out by us three times a year free of charge.
  18. The customer receives all necessary IT services during the contract period. For this we ask you to contact us by email.

VII. Prices

  1. All amounts mentioned in the contracts, purchase orders and other documents operators are without value added tax (VAT), unless expressly provided otherwise. The VAT rate is set by law and tax documents will be noted.

VIII. Copyright on intellectual property.

  1. Responsibility for the information and data that make up the registration data and are listed on the front page of this form carries authority. The sponsor states that before making the bid acceptance, the contents of the registration data met, and it is the rightful owner of copyrights to trademarks, patents, utility model or industrial design, which is subject to registration.
  2. Any liability for violation Copyright Infringement of operator is excluded.
  3. Claims for damages arising from infringement of trade marks, patents, patent applications, utility models, industrial designs and copyright of a third party against the operator, the operator refuses.
  4. Fourth sponsor is obliged to compensate operators and other authorized entities damages caused by technical or legal defect registry data, in particular by the publication of the registration data has been infringed copyright, right to the trade mark or rules governing the competition.

IX. The Trade Secrets.

  1. Operator and authority they both undertake that they will not to use for yourself and any third party confidential information which will be made available within the relationship established by this agreement.
  2. All documentation, which the parties in connection with the performance of this contract forwarded remains in their possession. Without the written consent of the other party shall not parties to this contract to use these documents, especially the may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted to third parties, he shall not make available or to show their content to third parties. This is true even if the documents are not marked as confidential.
  3. Obligation shall survive the termination of the contractual relationship.

X. Choice of Law, the determination of jurisdiction, partial invalidity.

  1. General business conditions and the entire contractual relationship shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Egypt.
  2. All legal disputes arising directly or indirectly from that contractual relationship will be resolved in court with territorial jurisdiction.
  3. Mutual agreements, exemptions and amendments are to be made in writing.
  4. Should individual parts of these general terms and conditions are no longer applicable, other parts remain valid. If, in the framework of cooperation other arrangements become invalid, the validity of the other provisions or agreements will not be affected. In this case, the parties are required to develop or modify an article on invalidity, so that was the intention of the parties.
  5. These Terms shall be valid and effective from April 1, 2020.

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